Georgia Recycling Solutions offers very competitive rebates.

While each scenario is different, you can rest assured that recycling with GRS will maximize your income.

We take the big picture into account, and look for long-term partnerships.

We’re not here to take the OCC and run, we’ll look at all the generated materials, and try to include them all in your rebate program.

OCC Rebates

OCC rebates are tied to a national pricing structure commonly referred to as “Yellow Sheet Pricing or PPI Pricing.”

This number reflects the price that the paper mills pay recycling companies for OCC.

The prices are published by the 8th of each month, and GRS pays a percentage of this mill price to our customers.

Many other recycling companies don’t like to share this number, but GRS is transparent in all ways, and feels it’s imperative to communicate this number with our customers.

EPS Rebates

EPS rebates vary depending on the material, density, weights, and transport costs.

The price per ton rebates are higher than most other materials, but the overall rebate seems lower because of EPS’ light weight.

Aside from the environment impact of recycling EPS, it’s still less expensive than just landfilling it.

Plastic Rebates

Plastic rebates also vary dramatically because of the different materials, colors, weights, etc.

Removing as much plastic from your solid-waste stream helps to reduce your trash removal costs.